Pamplin School of Business Events

Learning Labs


We are excited to offer interactive Learning Labs, free one-hour, webinar sessions that deep dive into an area of leadership and management led by expert instructors.

Join us for an upcoming session!










Women in Business Showcasewib_pbj-300x250-2.jpg

Thank you for joining us!

This event features sharing the stories of C-executive level women in business and how they rose to the top. Networking reception, interactive panel and question and answers from the audience included.


Wine, Beer & Spirits: Portland's Past, Present & Future

up-socialmediabanners-may2019-beerwinespirits-300x250.jpgThank you for joining us!

An evening of networking and shared insight by movers and shakers in Portland's wine, beer and spirits industries.

Featured Speakers: Kevin O'Brien, Senior Vice President, Zepponi & Company; Steve Waters , CEO Backwoods Brewing; Jessie Sheeran, Brand Manager, Ryan Magarian, Co-founder Aviation American Gin/Co-founder Oven and Shaker Pizza and Bar; SakéOne and Dr. Sam Holloway, University of Portland.